
Looking for the best petiscos in Lisbon? Try Ameijôas à Bulhão Pato, clams with a delicious coriander sauce, as pictured here

10 Best Petiscos in Lisbon (Yes, We Explain What Petiscos Are!)

Ready to discover the best petiscos in Lisbon? From fresh octopus salad to garlicky clams, we can’t get enough of Portuguese petiscos! Before we get into the details, what exactly are petiscos? For starters (pun intended), they’re not quite the same as Spanish tapas. Both words describe small dishes that are often shared, but each one represents […]

Wondering what time do people eat in Portugal? If it's late afternoon, it's time for lanche, the Portuguese meal between lunch and dinner.

Traditional Portuguese Food: Cataplana, Francesinha & More

Spending time at the table in Portugal is not just a modern pasttime, it’s a cultural event even when you’re not celebrating anything. From petiscos to more complicated recipes, traditional Portuguese food is one of the reasons why travelers fall in love with the country.Most typical Portuguese dishes are hearty, garlicky, and greasy – like […]