
A table at a farmers market filled with leeks and carrots.

Food Markets Bordeaux: 8 Places Where Locals Shop

French people take food very seriously, and the Bordelais (residents of Bordeaux) are no different. When it comes to quality, they know nothing beats seasonal products and fresh finds from local markets in Bordeaux. If you’re looking to eat like a real Bordelais—and to discover all things food markets Bordeaux—then keep reading for a breakdown […]

Cheese, bread, wine, and fondue vendor at a food market in Amsterdam

6 Best Food Markets in Amsterdam (& What to Eat There)

An essential excursion when visiting any new city: a trip to the local market! Whether you’re an adventurous eater, a street food lover, a die-hard foodie, or all of the above, Amsterdam’s markets have something for everyone.You might think that the unreliable Dutch weather would make outdoor markets a bit risky. But it’s a risk […]

Trays of freshly made pasta for sale in Bologna, Italy

4 Can’t-Miss Food Markets in Bologna (& What to Buy at Each One)

Bologna may attract food-loving travelers for its trattorias and osterias, but let’s not forget about the city’s superlative food markets. The outdoor and indoor markets of this city of 400,000 denizens are abundant with a bounty of colorful and fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, seafood, grains, fresh pasta, and herbs. And many of them have street […]

man offering chocolate treat in paper napkin

5 Ways to Enjoy Eating Alone in Barcelona

Catalans are social people, and food is often the central part of special occasions and random family gatherings. So the thought of eating alone in Barcelona, which is famous for shared plates, can be scary. But if you think about it, eating alone is one of the best ways to focus solely and deeply on the […]