
A table at a farmers market filled with leeks and carrots.

Food Markets Bordeaux: 8 Places Where Locals Shop

French people take food very seriously, and the Bordelais (residents of Bordeaux) are no different. When it comes to quality, they know nothing beats seasonal products and fresh finds from local markets in Bordeaux. If you’re looking to eat like a real Bordelais—and to discover all things food markets Bordeaux—then keep reading for a breakdown […]

A tray of Dunes Blanches pastries in a Bordeaux bakery

5 Must-Try Bordeaux Sweets

When it comes to Bordeaux, there are a few things that it’s famous for. In addition to being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it’s also considered one of the most prestigious wine regions on the planet. But Bordeaux is also famous for its sweets, from the bite-sized cannelé, to cakes, macarons, and more.Here are 5 local must-try […]

Crêpes are the central part of the Chandeleur holiday tradition in France.

How to Celebrate Candelmas the French Way (Hint: It Involves Crêpes)