Q. What inspired you to become a guide?
First of all, I love sharing my passions with other people, and being able to talk again and again about the things I love. Secondly, being a guide let's me see my city's traditions with new eyes (through those of my guests) and makes me appreciate it even more. Lastly, I like setting the record straight. I want my guests to leave my tours with the proper information, undo certain clichés, pursue a truly dignified understanding of Andalusia.
Q. What do you love most about Seville?
Besides my daughter, Seville is the love of my life. It is the most beautiful city in the world, and even with all the tourism it still manages to keep its authenticity, the vibe. Sevillianos are very warm people. We're super social, spontaneous people. We have rich traditions, unbelievable heritage, fascinating history, lots of bars…and everything is still affordable (at the moment).
Q. Tell us about a memorable moment from one of your tours.
I have a special place in my heart for the solo women travelers. Many times after the tour I have an extra glass of wine with them and give them extra advice and tips. A few of them stay in touch by Instagram, and we've developed a friendship! Also every time someone says at the end of my tours, “This is the highlight of my trip to Spain.”