Busy city street in Midtown Manhattan with a tall skyscraper in the background

Our Favorite NYC Restaurants by Neighborhood: Midtown Manhattan

New York is a compilation of different neighborhoods that unite to form the most famous city in the world. Each place you go has a specific culture, architecture, crowd, and vibe. Learning how to roam around each neighborhood—and more importantly, where to eat in each one—is essential for understanding the complexity of New York. So […]

Sidewalk terrace at a cafe with small black tables and chairs.

15 Spots with the Best Outdoor Dining in NYC

Outdoor dining in NYC has reached new heights in the past few years. With restaurant shutdowns followed by limited indoor service because of the pandemic, New Yorkers have been dining al fresco in sidewalk cafes, backyards, gardens, and decorated curbside sheds, thanks to New York’s Open Restaurant Program.  That said, most of the city’s eateries have […]

Busy city street in SoHo, Manhattan

Soho Restaurants: 9 Spots You Can’t Miss

SoHo, an acronym for South of Houston (Street), is one of the most atmospheric neighborhoods in New York City. Its cobblestone streets are lined with stunning mid-19th-century cast-iron buildings that house design shops and upscale clothes stores, transforming SoHo’s sidewalks into ersatz catwalks, particularly on weekends.  The borders of the district aren’t cut and dry, but […]

Three ravioli beside a fork on a white plate

The Best Italian Restaurants in NYC

There’s almost a symbiotic relationship between New York City and Italian cuisine. Some people jokingly refer to The Big Apple, or La Gran Mela, as the twenty-first state of Italy. After all, you can’t throw a meatball in the city without hitting a sign that says “Trattoria” or “Ristorante.”  Plus, there’s a huge amount of diversity. […]

Exterior of a restaurant on a city street corner with red paneling around the windows and black awnings

West Village Restaurants: Our Top 10

There once was a time when Greenwich Village was an actual village. That was before the grid street plan for Manhattan in the early 19th century was conceived and the city slowly crept north, building around the already existing curvy and diagonal streets of “The Village.”  City authorities who designed and instituted the grid plan in […]